
Title Department/ service area Start date End date     
View more details for consultation Covid19 effects on Mental Health and Wellbeing: children and young people in Wrexham and Flintshire2 Covid19 effects on Mental Health and Wellbeing: children and young people in Wrexham and Flintshire2 Wrexham County Borough Council 06 May 2022 17 Jun 2022
Why are we doing this?

In, March 2020 we ran a consultation to find out how the Covid pandemic had affected young people in Wrexham and Flintshire, this supported the work of the Public Service Boards, Wrexham Youth Service and Flintshire Integrated Youth Provision which helped with the recovery plans to support young people’s wellbeing and mental health.

What we found out

This consultation highlights the need for us to re- think about how we support young people going forward after the pandemic, looking at the results, the majority of young people need more support and help now than they did between March 2020 and during the pandemic. As we come out of the Covid pandemic is clear to see young people are still struggling with the effects of last 2 years and the toll on their mental health and wellbeing and seem to be getting worse. 

We have all as a society changed due to the pandemic, the impact has affected everyone’s lives in one way or another. However It is clear that young people are finding it harder than others to be able to move on, there mental health and wellbeing has been challenged with very little or no support over the previous lockdowns.

What difference has it made?

These results reflect what young people have gone and still going through.                                                    

Furthermore, this consultation process will help WCBC and Flintshire Council to produce new and innovative ideas, by keeping services current and thriving. It will help enhance relationships with service users and further develop knowledge of their wants and needs. It has provided us with direct live feedback from young people and will enhance a closer connection within our communities.

Title Department/ service area Start date End date     
View more details for consultation Consultation with parents and carers Consultation with parents and carers Wrexham County Borough Council 03 May 2022 15 Jun 2022
Why are we doing this?

Everyone wants to make Wrexham a place where families, children and young people can achieve their potential.

We know all parents/carers  want the best for the children and young people on, we also  know that sometimes families, children and young people need support to help achieve their potential, their hopes and their dreams, and to support them when times are tough.


This consultation is about asking you about what you think, as you are the expert about you and your needs.

What we found out
What difference has it made?
Title Department/ service area Start date End date     
View more details for consultation Early Years Parents Consultation Early Years Parents Consultation Wrexham County Borough Council 10 May 2022 12 Jun 2022
Why are we doing this?

It has been especially challenging to be expecting and/or a parent of a young child in recent times. The Coronavirus pandemic has shown the value of support services and provision for pregnancy and the early years more than ever. Many of you will have experienced a feeling of isolation followed by relief as services and provision opened up again. Well done for making your way through!

Wrexham County Borough Council has asked Children in Wales to carry out a consultation with parents to look closely at the maternity and early years services that are offered to you and your child.

Support/advice – if you feel you need further support, or would like to discuss things further please contact Wrexham Family Information service 01978 292094 or

What we found out

Quality of provision

Parents feel that they have good relationships with community services, services such as social and health services could be improved. Parents said that they are more likely to approach third sector services for help and support as they wouldn’t feel as judged.

Social Services was identified as being a good support for Kinship carers, but for others it was not a service which was seen in a positive light where there should be early intervening earlier before issues escalate.

Many parents made reference to midwives and health visitors:

  • Midwifery:  Parents commented that they received better care from student midwives or in hospital settings, and from those that had just started their shift.
  • Health Visiting:  Some parents stated that they provided good support and others stated they were provided little or no support at all.


Integration across services, access to provision

Several parents expressed poor communication between services resulting in them having to repeat things.

Parents expressed the difference between provision in Flying Start areas and non-Flying Start areas as being unfair in the way  that the eligibility criteria allocates services to, and favours those they deem as living in poor areas.


Information and advice about provision

Health visitors that were highly recognised as a source providing advice and support.

Parents reported the lockdown has been difficult as during this period it was hard to get information. The main ways of them gaining information and advice were from attending groups, health visitors and midwives, doctors, Facebook/Social Media, friends and family alongside specific sources of information and advice from Social Services, Foster Care services, Family Information Service, Carers information page on Facebook (NEWCIS), Wrexham parent’s community Facebook page and Homestart.


Transition between provisions

Some parents expressed that they did not know what was happening at the next stage of their child’s life until it happened. The main area of concern was a lack of knowledge about the transition to school and feeling it being separate from other services.


Sufficiency of provision

There was a positive response in relation to the support provided by both midwives and health visitors, some parents expressed this was not the case. Childcare/education also scored highly in the support parents received.

Parents were also asked to share what services/provision they felt were missing. A range of ideas were identified such as support with childcare, groups/activities, finances, mental health, involving fathers, prenatal, birth and post-natal and general information sharing.


Involvement of parents in planning, designing and reviewing provision (coproduction)

Those who did want to be involved suggested:

  • Set up forums and discussion groups
  • Face to face spaces for families to give honest feedback that is listened to and acted upon
What difference has it made?

This consultation will:

  • Assist and inform the planning and development of services for children and families within the early years
  • Provide engagement opportunities for parents in Wrexham to get involved in the planning and development of services
  • Help inform consistency of access to services and support for families living out of catchment area for Flying Start (the expansion of Flying Start is currently part of a current Welsh government programme)
Title Department/ service area Start date End date     
View more details for consultation Early Years Practitioners Consultation Early Years Practitioners Consultation Wrexham County Borough Council 10 May 2022 12 Jun 2022
Why are we doing this?

It has been a challenging period to work in maternity and early years services during recent times. The Coronavirus pandemic has brought the value of support services and provision into sharp focus. Many parents will have experienced feelings of isolation followed by relief as services and provision opened up again. Equally, practitioners have needed to balance their own family needs whilst working in extraordinary circumstances. Parents and practitioners are to be congratulated for making their way through this difficult period.

Wrexham County Borough Council has asked Children in Wales to carry out a consultation with both parents and practitioners to look closely at the provision of maternity and early years services offered in the county.  Focusing on quality, sufficiency of provision; integration across services, transition between provision and involvement of parents/carers.

This is your chance for your voice to be heard and to provide input to enhance services in your area.

What we found out

Quality of Provision

A number of practitioners commented on positive collaboration and joint working approaches.

Early help was highlighted as working well, there was recognition of the positive work taking place.

Flying start was referenced numerous times as an example of best practice. However, practitioners expressed there is a growing level of need outside existing pre-defined areas.


Integration across services, access to provision

Multi-agency training across different services was identified as a positive experience that should be more readily available.

Responses expressed barriers to joint working including a lack of interaction between services, a lack of budget and staff availability.

The Family Information Service was noted as a useful resource and for providing an effective support for joint working, linking services together and raising awareness of service provision.

Effective joint working amongst midwives and health visitors with joint pre-birth visits was recognised as useful for sharing information and supporting families.


Information, advice and access to provision

Practitioners felt that it was often dependant where parents lived and referenced different levels of services are provided in Flying Start and non-Flying Start areas.

The ability to offer services both face-to-face and online has allowed more parents to access support for general parenting programmes and more specialist referrals.

Barriers and challenges to accessing services were identified such as eligibility, criteria of services and funding, waiting lists, referrals not being accepted, language and cultural barrier, transport and parents own mental health needs.


Transition between provisions

Midwife – health visitor transitions were expressed as positive where there was co-location between these services.

Health visitor - school nurse transitions were expressed as a stage that can present challenges with higher caseloads for school nurses often meaning they cannot offer the same level of support that health visitors provide.

Practitioners reported the quality of childcare to school transitions were dependant on the leadership, willingness and understanding of specific head teachers of how childcare settings can support transitions.

It was suggested that a consistent policy/guidance on how transitions are managed across Wrexham provisions could be developed, to highlight and support good practice.


Involvement of parents in planning, designing and reviewing provision

Practitioners highlighted involving parents within services could create improved engagement with service users, creating better services that meet appropriate needs and having a better understanding of families.

Practitioners identified that spaces to share and training, funding and direct engagement are elements that need to be considered when providing opportunities to involve parents.

What difference has it made?

This consultation will: 

  • Support future planning and delivery of services in Wrexham.
  • Inform the development of consistency of access to services and support for all families living in Wrexham
  • Inform the planning of engagement opportunities for parents to be involved in service development
  • Review and inform opportunities for organisations to effectively work together, to enable them to offer help at the earliest opportunities.
  • Improve information sharing and joint working to enable practitioners to have access to up to date information and advice to meet families’ needs and be better able to signpost to other service


Title Department/ service area Start date End date     
View more details for consultation Wrexham Carers Lead Officer Consultation - Questions for people receiving unpaid care Wrexham Carers Lead Officer Consultation - Questions for people receiving unpaid care Wrexham County Borough Council 25 Mar 2022 30 Apr 2022
Why are we doing this?

This consultation was commissioned by Wrexham County Borough Council and its remit has been to ascertain the views of key stakeholders about services for unpaid carers in Wrexham County and the views of professionals in this field on the need for a Carers Lead Officer for Wrexham

What we found out

Our findings are included in the attached report.../UploadedFiles/Wrexham-Council-Carers-Consultation-Report-2022-En.pdf

What difference has it made?

There is a need for coordination across Adult Services and Children’s Services. There is also a need to have a focal point to gather together the relevant information and knowledge in order that people can be helped in a timely and effective way rather than being passed from one officer to another. 



Title Department/ service area Start date End date     
View more details for consultation Wrexham Carers Lead Officer Consultation - Questions for Wrexham County Borough Staff Wrexham Carers Lead Officer Consultation - Questions for Wrexham County Borough Staff Wrexham County Borough Council 25 Mar 2022 11 Apr 2022
Why are we doing this?

The remit of this consultation was to ascertain the views of stakeholders about services for unpaid carers in Wrexham County and the views of professionals in this field on the need for a Carers Lead Officer for Wrexham. Amgen Consultants Limited undertook the consultation in March and April 2022, with the support of the commissioning team.

What we found out

There is a need for coordination across Adult Services and Children’s Services. There is also a need to have a focal point to gather together the relevant information and knowledge in order that people can be helped in a timely and effective way rather than being passed from one officer to another.

What difference has it made?

This report provides an overview of consultation undertaken and the results, it includes responses to selected questions and some of the comments made. A full report of 27 pages has been provided to Wrexham County Borough Council (WCBC) who commissioned this work.


Title Department/ service area Start date End date     
View more details for consultation Wrexham Carers Lead Officer Consultation for unpaid carers Wrexham Carers Lead Officer Consultation for unpaid carers Wrexham County Borough Council 25 Mar 2022 11 Apr 2022
Why are we doing this?

The remit of this consultation was to ascertain the views of stakeholders about services for unpaid carers in Wrexham County and the views of professionals in this field on the need for a Carers Lead Officer for Wrexham. Amgen Consultants Limited undertook the consultation in March and April 2022, with the support of the commissioning team.

What we found out

There is a need for coordination across Adult Services and Children’s Services. There is also a need to have a focal point to gather together the relevant information and knowledge in order that people can be helped in a timely and effective way rather than being passed from one officer to another.

What difference has it made?

This report provides an overview of consultation undertaken and the results, it includes responses to selected questions and some of the comments made. A full report of 27 pages has been provided to Wrexham County Borough Council (WCBC) who commissioned this work.


Title Department/ service area Start date End date     
View more details for consultation Wrexham Carers Lead Officer Consultation -Questions for Partner Organisations Wrexham Carers Lead Officer Consultation -Questions for Partner Organisations Wrexham County Borough Council 25 Mar 2022 11 Apr 2022
Why are we doing this?

The remit of this consultation was to ascertain the views of stakeholders about services for unpaid carers in Wrexham County and the views of professionals in this field on the need for a Carers Lead Officer for Wrexham. Amgen Consultants Limited undertook the consultation in March and April 2022, with the support of the commissioning team.

What we found out

There is a need for coordination across Adult Services and Children’s Services. There is also a need to have a focal point to gather together the relevant information and knowledge in order that people can be helped in a timely and effective way rather than being passed from one officer to another.

What difference has it made?

This report provides an overview of consultation undertaken and the results, it includes responses to selected questions and some of the comments made. A full report of 27 pages has been provided to Wrexham County Borough Council (WCBC) who commissioned this work.


Title Department/ service area Start date End date     
View more details for consultation #Wrecsam 2025 #Wrecsam 2025 Wrexham County Borough Council 04 Jan 2022 31 Mar 2022
Why are we doing this?

#Wrecsam 2025

Wrexham County Borough has been announced as the only place in Wales, and one of the final eight places in the UK, longlisted to become ‘UK City of Culture 2025’ (a title awarded to towns, cities and local areas across the UK once every 4 years). Previous holders of the prestigious title, awarded by UK Government, have gone on to secure millions of pounds in investment, create jobs and attract thousands of visitors to their local areas. The current title-holder is Coventry.

The full longlist places in the running for the 2025 title is:


  • Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon
  • Bradford
  • Cornwall
  • County Durham
  • Derby
  • Southampton
  • Stirling
  • Wrexham County Borough.


With financial support from the UK Government, a full application is now being prepared to bring the title to the county borough. This application will be submitted in February 2022, with the winning place announced in May 2022. Key to our application, vision and plans, will be sharing the passion, creativity and pride of all those who make Wrexham their home. From Pontfadog to Pentre Broughton, Rhosnesni to Rhosllanerchrugog – we want to make sure that everyone has the chance to have their say, and support Wrexham in becoming UK City of Culture 2025.

More information about UK City of Culture 2025 title can be found HERE.

Questions regarding Wrexham County Borough’s application can be emailed to

Keep following our social media and #Wrecsam2025 for more news and information.


(Please note that this engagement is distinct from the ongoing assessment of ‘cultural wellbeing’ being delivered by Wrexham’s Public Service Board, about which we may have already spoken with you; and distinct from Wrexham’s application for city status).

What we found out

This engagement helped in our understanding of what Wrexham culture is, and what culture means to the people of Wrexham.

To read the full City of Culture engagement report, please click here.


What difference has it made?

Culture plays a part in people’s daily lives and has a capacity to change and improve our surroundings and wellbeing.

We want to ensure that the links made during the City of Culture 2025 competition and the learnings from it are not lost, and head towards a future where culture plays a key role in our planning and decision making for the benefit of the county.

Title Department/ service area Start date End date     
View more details for consultation Standards of Wrexham Services Standards of Wrexham Services Wrexham County Borough Council 01 Mar 2021 31 Mar 2022
Why are we doing this?

Standards of Wrexham Services (SWS) is consulting with service users in order to help Wrexham County Borough Council to plan for the new Crown Buildings.

This consultation will be an ongoing process of co-production with citizens.



What we found out

This report shares the findings of the survey and puts forward how these findings can help make sure that the Community Health and Wellbeing facility is a great addition to the town and makes a real difference to the lives, health and well-being of Wrexham citizens.

../UploadedFiles/SWS Engagement Report Final EN (1).pdf

../UploadedFiles/ER 438 Easy Read Crown Buildings Well-Being Facility Citizen Engagement Report ENG(1).pdf


What difference has it made?

This consultation has contributed to the planning and design of the Wellbeing hub to include accessible facilities and inclusive spaces.

  • Changing Places (fully accessible) toilets facilities
  • Accessible/ flexible community spaces
  • Sensory room
  • Play areas

The findings are being used to inform the future development of the Wellbeing hub and ensure citizens are fully involved:

  • Provide engagement opportunities for citizens Wrexham to get involved in the planning and development of services.
  • Involve citizens in planning and running the new well-being centre.

The findings raised important themes that we will take forward across the Council and with our partners to:

  • Put inclusion, diversity and equality at the heart of wellbeing in Wrexham and actively work to remove barriers to inclusion.
  • Work with businesses and organisations in the town centre and across Wrexham to make sure all citizens are welcome and services and facilities are accessible to all.
  • Listen to what you have said, work with you to address the issues raised, and take forward your ideas.