Review of Polling Districts and Places – Response of the (Acting) Returning Officer

Review of Polling Districts and Places – Response of the (Acting) Returning Officer

Why are we doing this?: 

Under the Representation of the People Act 1983, the Council has a duty to divide its area into polling districts and to designate a polling place for each district.  It also has to keep these arrangements under review. The Electoral Administration Act 2006 introduced a duty on all local authorities in Great Britain to review their polling districts and polling places.

What do we want to know?: 

The Council appreciates the co-operation of polling places in providing their building for the day so that electors have a convenient place to vote.

The Review seeks to address issues which have arisen, either due to the closure of community centres and chapel rooms, or issues arising during recent elections and will also be informed by feedback from polling station staff and inspectors.

A polling district is a geographical area created by the sub-division of an electoral area, ie a constituency, district ward or division into smaller parts.

A polling place is a building or area in which polling stations will be located.

A polling station is the room or area within the polling place where voting takes place.

In view of the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission (LDBC) review of electoral arrangements taking place, a preliminary review of current polling districts has been carried out and, unless any representations are made as part of this consultation, no proposed changes to polling districts will be put forward at this time.  It may be necessary to carry out a further interim review of the whole area following publication of the LDBC final proposals.

The Notice and public consultation document were published on 9 September and the deadline for responses closed on 11 October 2019.

Please see attached the recommendations of the (Acting) Returning Officer.  Any persons involved in the consultation can comment on these recommendations.  The deadline for responses is 28 October 2019.

If you have any comments, please address them to:

Scrutiny Team

Governance and Customer Services Department

Wrexham County Borough Council



LL11 1NF

or by email to:

What we found out: 

The responses to the consultation were considered at a meeting of the Council held on 18 December 2019.  No changes were made to the polling districts, but some changes were agreed in respect of some polling stations.  A list of these changes with the reasons is included in the document below.  You can access the full report to Council here 

The revised lists of polling districts and polling stations in are outlied in the documents below. 

../UploadedFiles/Adolygiad Dosbarthiadau Etholiadol a Mannau Pleidleisio – Newidiadau (4).pdf

../UploadedFiles/Electoral District Reviews and Polling Places – Changes (1).pdf

../UploadedFiles/Etholiadol a Mannau Pleidleisio De Clwyd(1).pdf

../UploadedFiles/Etholiadol a Mannau Pleidleisio Wrecsam(1).pdf

../UploadedFiles/Polling Places and Polling Districts Clwyd South(1).pdf

../UploadedFiles/Polling Places and Polling Districts Wrexham(1).pdf

What difference has it made?: 

Alternative suitable polling stations have been found where existing ones have become unavailable or have been identified as no longer suitable which will give residents better access in future elections.

Consultation start date 14 October 2019
Consultation end date 28 October 2019


Full address Contact Email
LL11 1AR
Tracy Davies tracy.davies@